Mediwatch is committed to providing the best training possible for the Distributors and Customers.
During 2010 Mediwatch will be running service support courses upon request at their UK base in Rugby.
Courses are conducted by their very experienced service staff who have unique detailed knowledge of the systems.
Should you have a specific request for service training from your engineers then please contact us at Mediwatch, and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Service Course Information
Duet & Sensic Family of Urodynamic Systems.
Urodyn 1000, Portaflow, Multiscan and Portascan+.
New additions: Portaflow Advanced.
Product Information: Bioscan.
Later this year: Urodyn+
This two day training course is designed to provide information to service engineers allowing them effectively to repair the Mediwatch range of Urodynamics and Ultrasound equipment up to board level.
Knowledge will be gained regarding servicing and calibration of the Duet and Sensic Family of systems, hardware identification, configuration and basic software operation.
The courses includes hands on operation and repair/troubleshooting of Duet, Urodyn 1000 and Ultrasound systems to basic board level, enabling the service and support staff to provide the best service for their customers.
The course is designed primarily for service engineers who are responsible for the repair and configuration of the Mediwatch range of products and who have little or no previous experience with these systems.
(Course content may be subject to change as new products are introduced.)
Mediwatch-Service Training Course Schedule 2010