Friday, 26 April 2013

Using Genetic Variants To Personalize Prostate Cancer Screenings

Edit-Please remember that the article below is 'just' a study but as the previous post/video highlighted could/might/possibly be the future or play a part in improving diagnostic methods. 

Article Date: 26 Apr 2013 - 1:00 PDT

With the help of genetics, prostate specific antigen (PSA) screenings may become more accurate and reduce the number of unnecessary prostate biopsies, according to a new study from Northwestern Medicine®.

Personalized PSA testing using genetic variants could account for an 18 percent reduction in the number of men who likely would have undergone unnecessary biopsies, according to the study. It will be published in the May 2013 issue of The Journal of Urology.

The high survival rate of men with prostate cancer is largely a reflection of PSA testing, but support for the widespread use of the screening method has been the topic of recent debate because of its limited specificity.

"By utilizing a person's genetic makeup we can personalize care when he comes in for a PSA screening," said Brian Helfand, M.D., lead author of the study. "We may be able to prevent some men from having an unnecessary biopsy and prevent a delay in biopsy for men who may have an aggressive disease."

Helfand is an adjunct assistant professor of cell and molecular biology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

For 98 percent of the men, genetic adjustment of PSA levels did not change the outcome of their screening. But genetic correction was important for the 17 men who were reclassified as no longer meeting biopsy criteria and the three whose condition was up classified, and it was recommended they get a biopsy, based on their genetic adjustment.

"If our results are validated, genetic adjustments could potentially prevent 15 to 20 percent of prostate biopsies," said William J. Catalona, M.D., senior author of the study. "Since it has been estimated that more than 1 million biopsies are performed in the United States annually, this could translate into 150,000 to 200,000 potentially unnecessary biopsies every year."

In addition to cost savings, fewer biopsies mean fewer adverse outcomes, such as infection, sepsis and hospitalization, he said.

Catalona is a professor of urology at Feinberg, director of the clinical prostate cancer program at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University and an urologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

Variants in genes, like those that help determine your height, are responsible for higher or lower levels of PSA expression. Recent studies have identified genetic variants associated with increased serum PSA concentrations, raising the possibility that a man's genetic make-up could interfere with an accurate PSA reading.

In this study, four variants previously associated with PSA levels were determined in 964 Caucasian volunteers without prostate cancer. Genetic correction of their PSA was performed by dividing each man's PSA value by his combined genetic risk. Analyses were used to compare the percentage of men who would meet commonly used biopsy thresholds (2.5 ng/ml or greater, or 4.0 ng/ml or greater) before and after genetic correction.

Assuming that a diagnostic laboratory has the available equipment, supplies and trained personnel, it would cost 60 cents per person to add genetic personalization to a PSA test.

The researchers are now investigating personalized PSA testing in black men and have plans to investigate genetic variants which impact PSA levels in other races as well

Dr. Albertsen - PSA testing: understanding the controversy.

I think the title 'PSA testing: understanding the controversy' is a bit misleading as this is more of a history lesson in the study of identifying Prostate Cancer along with what the future has to offer regarding diagnostics.

Anyway,a very interesting and informative video:


Thursday, 25 April 2013

Feedback on Movember 2012

More Conversations = More Action

Author: Movember, Date: 22 April 2013

The hairy efforts of Mo’s across the globe during the month of Movember made for some exceptional moustaches, but do you have any idea of the impact they made?

Rewind to the beginning of Movember 2012, as fine moustaches started to sprout on men’s upper lips worldwide, they began to have men’s health conversations - at work, at the gym, through Twitter and Facebook – spreading awareness about Movember and generating over 2.27 billion conversations worldwide. But that isn’t the end of the story. All that Mo chatter inspired some serious fundraising.

There were nearly 4 million individual donations to Movember in 2012, which raised an unbelievable, humbling, record-breaking £88.2 million. To date, over 400 programmes have been funded by our Mo Bros and Mo Sistas.

These programmes will provide education and awareness about prostate and testicular cancer, fund vital research and assist men and their families going through the cancer journey. From real moustaches to real outcomes, you are truly changing the face of men’s health. For this, we salute you – all 1.13 million of you.

Best. Movember. Ever.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

A Mo Bro's Journey - Ron Telpner

Published on 1 Nov 2012 Five year Mo Bro Ron Telpner shares his inspirational story of living with prostate cancer, conducting two years of active surveillance and ultimately making the decision for a radical prostatectomy. He generously allowed Movember cameras to capture the days leading up to and immediately following his surgery. Knowledge is power, health is for life.

Monday, 22 April 2013

UK-Prostate Cancer in BME

African-Caribbean men are three times more likely to develop prostate cancer than white men of the same community more widely suffers from increased health inequalities due to a number of factors.

Prostate Cancer in BME Communities
Raising Awareness and Improving Outcomes

11 January 2013

This report showcases some of the best practice in England and it is hoped that it will be helpful to clinical experts, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), GPs, specialistnurses, other health professionals, commissioners andpolicy makers in providing an insight into how prostate.

Read the full report here [PDF, 3.4Mb, Provided Miranda Benney after her recent visit to the House of Commons]


This is a copy of useful websites found in the main information pages under April 2009....
Posted again to remind me to add/remove any as required and update said April 2009 pages too! (added CANSA-South Africa)


PULSE-General Medical Information/News
Prostate Conditions Education Council (PCEC)-USA
British Association of Urological Nurses(BAUN)
American Urological Association
MEDICAL NEWS TODAY (UK with global news)
Scottish Practice Nurses Association
University of Florida Shands Cancer Center
European Hospital


The Graham Fulford Charitable Trust (UK)
Friends of Prostate Sufferers (FOPS) (UK)
PCaSO-Prostate Cancer Network (UK)
Prostaid (UK)
Prostate Cancer UK-Youtube Channel
The Cystitis and Overactive Bladder Foundation (UK)
The Bladder and Bowel Foundation (UK)
The X Foundation (Raising money for the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation"

Prostate Cancer InfoLink
The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
The Cancer Society of New Zealand
The Prostate Cancer Foundation-USA
American Cancer Society
Canadian Prostate Cancer Network

Result of AGM and AGM Statement

Mediwatch plc

("Mediwatch" or "the Company" or "the Group")

22 April 2013

Result of AGM and AGM Statement

At 11a.m. today, Omer Karim, Chairman of Mediwatch delivered the following statement at the Company's annual general meeting:

"It should be no surprise that 2012 was a challenging year. Whilst in the long term, demographically, urology is a sector with increasing needs, in the short term health budgets around the world continue to be under pressure in these straightened times. Mediwatch has worked hard to maintain profitability by cost cutting expenses and re-engineering products.

After a long development period, Mediwatch is proud to announce that it has started selling PSAwatch, a quantitative point-of-care test for PSA using whole blood. PSAwatch is steadily increasing its share of the almost 50 million PSA tests that are performed annually worldwide.

Mediwatch's vision for the future is to develop affordable equipment for the treatment of conditions in its targeted clinical areas. 2013 will be a year filled with new product launches. The first of these a new urodynamic range of Clinic and Encompass, the new Nano, a new procedure couch and the tablet Portaflow were well received at European Association of Urologists meeting in Milan in March. There is more to come later in the year.

I am also pleased to report that the Group is currently trading in line with management's budgets and, whilst our markets around the world remain fragile, we expect to meet market expectations for the year."

All resolutions proposed at the annual general meeting were duly passed save for resolution 7 (resolution 7 related to disapplication of pre-emption rights).


Mediwatch plc

+44 (0)1788 547 888

Dr Philip Stimpson, Chief Executive Officer

Mark Hughes, Chief Financial Officer

SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP

Nomad and broker

+44 (0)20 3463 2260

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Mediwatch-PSAwatch (Updates from last 6 months)

Not sure if this Facebook page belongs to Mediwatch or possibly a charity....either way it makes for interesting reading:

PSAwatch The 10 minute Prostate Health Check-Facebook

Published on 15 Nov 2012

This video shows PSAwatch in action. PSAwatch is a simple ten minute blood test that gives a reading of the patients PSA level. We would like to thank Prostaid to helping us make this video.

and a link to the charity:
Published on 9 Nov 2012

Introducing a new machine that will make its debut in urology practices in France and allow patients to save money and time.
Urologie : une petite révolution dans les hôpitaux (Essonne)
more to follow...

Thursday, 4 April 2013

APRIL-Music,Film and the Odd Joke Spot


Latest News/Website Updates
Mediwatch Newsletter 2013 Q2

Renal & Urology News April 2013 Issue

Renal & Urology News March 2013 Issue

Mediwatch Positions/Jobs

Future Events Events where Mediwatch are attending/exhibiting will be marked as so or updated,hopefully before the event is finished.More Events to add later

20th United Kingdom Continence Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2013 The Midland Hotel-Bradford (17th – 19th April 2013)Event on Mediwatch website

ASCRS 2013 Annual Meeting (USA April 27 – May 1)Mediwatch are exhibiting

 Mediwatch/Distributor Training Courses

Mediwatch Newsletter 2013 Q2
Mediwatch Newsletter 2012 Q1
Mediwatch Newsletter 2011 Q4


VIDEO: Prostate cancer interview

Duncan Wood has been speaking to prostate cancer expert John Anderson from Sheffield, who has been diagnosed with the disease and is now trying to raise awareness.

MEDIWATCH-Q2 Newsletter

Mediwatch plc, the manufacturer and supplier of high-technology Urology and GI diagnostic products announces that it has published its Q2 Newsletter.

Mediwatch Newsletter 2013 Q2 (.pdf)