3rd December 2010
"Prostate cancer and bladder cancer screening reviews completed
The UK NSC has now completed its reviews of screening for prostate cancer and bladder cancer and the decision made at the meeting on 10 November was that screening is not currently recommended for these conditions."
The Prostate Cancer Charity comments on UK National Screening Committee decision against prostate cancer screening
Date: 6 December 2010
The Prostate Cancer Charity comments on the latest announcement by the UK National Screening Committee not to recommend the development of a screening programme for prostate cancer using the PSA blood test.
John Neate, Chief Executive of The Prostate Cancer Charity, explains: “Although this decision is not a surprise, the announcement from the UK National Screening Committee today is extremely disappointing. While the evidence points to the potential risk of over diagnosis and over treatment through large scale PSA testing, we also know that for some men with aggressive prostate cancer, but no symptoms, the PSA test will be the only early indicator of the cancer at a time when effective treatment can be offered. This makes it essential that all eligible men* are made aware of the test and enabled to make a personal choice about whether it is right for them.
“We believe that a critical opportunity to fully address the inequities faced by men seeking access to the PSA test has been missed. We know that 70 per cent of men over 50 are unaware of the test’s existence or their right to request one from their GP. We also know that this roadblock in accessing the test widens even further for those men from less affluent backgrounds. This is a completely unacceptable state of affairs.
“Although we will always seek to work constructively with Government, the status quo cannot continue. It is a regrettable that this announcement has been made in isolation by the UK National Screening Committee and that a key opportunity to reflect on the wider issues surrounding awareness of prostate cancer and the PSA test was not grasped. This could have been a breakthrough moment for Government to give a firm steer on this critical health issue.
“We will ensure that PSA testing for eligible men is not simply returned to the back-burner and will over the coming months be launching a vigorous and constructive campaign to break this impasse.”
* All men over 50 or younger men at a higher risk of the disease due to a family history or from African Caribbean background.
Read the full press release
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