Wednesday 16th October 2013
The testing team at Asda in Winsford
SHOPPERS in Winsford were given the offer of a lifetime courtesy of a royally-recognised cancer testing pioneer.
For the first time ever in the UK, men had the chance to get a lifesaving prostate specific antigen (PSA) test carried out for free while they picked up their weekly groceries.
The Leighton Hospital Prostate Cancer Support Group (LHPCSG) has tested 1,210 men this year alone – successfully treating 38 men for cancer. The charity’s chairman, Gary Steele, was awarded the MBE this year for his lifesaving work, and his tireless campaign to get the Government to roll out his technique across the NHS.
“It’s gone very, very well. There has been a great turnout,” said the Cherry Crescent resident of teh event on Monday, October 7. “Men are coming along, sitting down, and putting their test into the machine. That’s him finished then, and he can go shopping with his misses. “Ten minutes later, he can come back and he’s got his result.
It’s completely revolutionised how we can operate.” The supermarket-based event allowed Gary to target men who might not have found time to attend one of the dedicated testing events he runs throughout the year.
Tony Vine, 68, was visiting his Winsford partner from his home in Rossett in North Wales when he dropped into Asda. In less than 10 minutes he was able to get a PSA test and put his mind at rest. “It was an absolute piece of cake, no problems whatsoever. “I’ve been saying I’d get it done for several years but never got round to it. “It was fantastic walking in today and being able to get it done so quickly.”
If the PSA test result shows a risk of developing cancer, the charity’s eurologist, Dr David Baxter Smith, conducts another simple test that avoids the need for an invasive biopsy procedure. The sample is then boxed and sent to experts in Cambridge, costing the charity £200.
LHPSSG’s lifesaving work has cost in excess of £40,000 this year alone – all of which has to be raised by charitable donation. “It’s a lot of money, but what price do you put on a man’s life?” said Gary.
Gary is encouraging men to ‘save a dad; grow a moustache’ next month for ‘Movember’ and raise money for the LHPSSG.
To get in touch for a PSA test or for fundraising forms, call 01606 553097 or email
For more on prostate cancer, visit Breakout The UK falls well behind the rest of Europe, and America, in PSA testing. Gary’s work massively expands the current treatments available on the NHS – offering PSA testing to a wider age range, with the offer of further expert testing if required.
In the rest of Europe and throughout many countries elsewhere in the world, all men of 50 are required to undertake a test, and Gary wants to see the UK follow the example, as well as wider use of the life-extending prostate cancer drug, abiraterone.
LHPSSG has detected 51 cancers this year alone, of which 38 have been successfully treated – that’s 38 lives saved. The remainder are on active surveillance, whereby Gary’s charity keeps tabs on the patient, offering further testing and continued support.
80 per cent of men diagnosed with prostate cancer don’t have any symptoms.
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