Exhibitor Floor Plan,Mediwatch-Booth No.2237
Leading up to the event here is the April edition of the 'AUA News' with the front page on Bladder Cancer and then PC on page 10.I find it easier to read if down loaded in PDF format but it's quite a large file.
April edition of the 'AUA News'
Company Profile:
Mediwatch offers the best in Pelvic Floor diagnostic products. We provide Urodynamics, Ultrasound, Anorectal Manometry and Pudendal Nerve testing devices, which are complimented with complete training and long-term support. Our display includes the Sensic Urodynamics system, Encompass “Total” Pelvic Floor diagnostic system and Portascan Ultrasound systems.
Prostate UK view on the AUA
82IC:Focal Therapy of Early Stage Prostate Cancer � Techniques and Applications (Mark Emberton)
AUA 2009 - Session Highlights
AUA 2009 Pre-meeting podcast (Urology Times)
AUA 2009 Day One Podcast
AUA Report and Update 1: Sunday, April 26
AUA-Official News Report for Sunday 26th April Mediwatch advert on page 30
PROVENGE has nothing to do with Mediwatch but after the build up it's worth a post:
Data Presented at AUA Demonstrate PROVENGE Significantly Prolongs Survival for Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer in Pivotal Phase 3 IMPACT Study AUA-28th April
The report is an update of the previous AUA PSA Best Practice Policy 2000.
There are 2 notable differences in the current policy.
First, the age for obtaining a baseline PSA has been lowered to 40 years.
Secondly, the current policy no longer recommends a single,threshold value of PSA which should prompt prostate biopsy.
Rather, the decision to proceed to prostate biopsy should be based primarily on PSA and DRE results, but should take into account multiple factors including free and total PSA, patient age, PSA velocity, PSA density, family
history, ethnicity, prior biopsy history and comorbidities. In addition, although recently published trials show different results with regard to the impact of prostate cancer screening on mortality, both suggest that prostate cancer screening leads to overdetection and overtreatment of some patients.
Therefore, the AUA strongly supports that men be informed of the risks and
benefits of prostate cancer screening before biopsy and the option of active surveillance in lieu of immediate treatment for certain men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Prostate-Specific Antigen Best Practice Statement:2009 Update AUA-27th April
Bladder Ca mortality jumps 30% when diagnosis is delayed AUA 26th April
New active surveillance parameters allow for more individualized patient care AUA-26th April
Pomegranate Juice May Slow Prostate Cancer AUA-26th April
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