A 15 Mar 2009 First embedded on - prostatecancerinfolink.ning.com 90
B 25 Aug 2008 First referral from - search.virginmedia.com 56
C 13 Aug 2008 First referral from Google search - psawatch 82
D 03 Jul 2008 First referral from YouTube search - psawatch 61
E 03 Jul 2008 First referral from - www.advfn.com 50
F 03 Jul 2008 First referral from YouTube search - mediwatch 48
G 03 Jul 2008 First referral from YouTube - /results 39
H 03 Jul 2008 First referral from - www.moneyam.com 33
I 03 Jul 2008 First embedded view 28
J 01 Jul 2008 Other/Viral 141
Youtube-Statistics and Data (10/09/09)
Mar 15, 2009 First embedded on - prostatecancerinfolink.ning.com 70
B Aug 25, 2008 First referral from - search.virginmedia.com 56
C Aug 13, 2008 First referral from Google search - psawatch 77
D Jul 03, 2008 First referral from YouTube search - psawatch 59
E Jul 03, 2008 First referral from - www.advfn.com 50
F Jul 03, 2008 First referral from YouTube search - mediwatch 42
G Jul 03, 2008 First referral from YouTube - /results 39
H Jul 03, 2008 First referral from - www.moneyam.com 33
I Jul 03, 2008 First embedded view 28
J Jul 01, 2008 Other / Viral 137
Youtube-Statistics and Data (10/08/09)
I'm not sure how accurate this data is but might be of interest.
Date Link Views
A 15 Mar 2009 First embedded on - prostatecancerinfolink.ning.com 64
B 25 Aug 2008 First referral from - search.virginmedia.com 55
C 13 Aug 2008 First referral from Google search - psawatch 76
D 03 Jul 2008 First referral from YouTube search - psawatch 58
E 03 Jul 2008 First referral from - www.advfn.com 50
F 03 Jul 2008 First referral from YouTube search - mediwatch 42
G 03 Jul 2008 First referral from YouTube - /results 39
H 03 Jul 2008 First referral from - www.moneyam.com 33
I 03 Jul 2008 First embedded view 28
J 01 Jul 2008 Other / Viral 137
AUA-Official News Reort for Sunday 26th April Mediwatch advert on page 30

Eight minute DVD presents revolutionary diagnostic system to doctors around the world
When customers see a demonstration of a product they can understand its benefits. Medical equipment specialist MediWatch chose DVD as the most effective vehicle for communicating its sales and training message for its latest innovation.

Released: Monday, 10th November 2008
MediWatch has developed a range of medical equipment for the diagnosis of a variety of urological conditions. Its unique portable diagnostic products, such as ultrasound scanners and clinical testing units, are used by the medical profession worldwide.
The simplicity of operation means they are popular with healthcare providers who have varying levels of clinical expertise.
The company asked Quiet Storm to create a DVD to promote its revolutionary new product, called PSAwatch, from its point-of-care biochemistry range. MediWatch also wanted to use the DVD for product training so the content had to appeal to consultants, doctors and nursing staff.
Products in the biochemistry range analyse blood, body fluids or secretions to diagnose or monitor a specific medical condition.
The PSAwatch system is used to test the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in a small sample of a patient’s blood. Checking the PSA level is a key factor in diagnosing and monitoring conditions associated with the prostate gland. It is also a way of screening for prostate cancer and monitoring a patient’s response to therapy. Previously, blood samples had to be taken from a patient during one visit to a medical professional and a second appointment made around two weeks later when the result is back from the laboratory. Using the new PSAwatch, a clinician can give the patient his result in just 10 minutes! The blood sample is taken, typically using a finger-prick device, and tested in the Bioscan reader during a single patient visit. This improves the patient’s experience and is more efficient for the medical staff.
Three eminent medical consultants were filmed at three separate hospital locations in the South of England. This footage was used to show the product being used in real-life situations and explain the testing process. The consultants were also interviewed, endorsing PSAwatch, for testimonial pieces at the end of the DVD.
The timescales for production were very tight. In fact the deadline allowed for only one week of preproduction and two weeks for filming and editing.
MediWatch posted the DVD onto YouTube and used it in a worldwide campaign to promote the product.
In an incredibly short timescale PSAwatch has gained unprecedented media coverage worldwide and has already generated enquiries and sales for MediWatch in countries as far away as Iran and New Zealand.
The DVD is also being used as a valuable sales and training tool for medical professionals around the world.
“The DVD has been absolutely instrumental in the launch of PSAwatch. I can’t believe you have done such a great job in the time scale we had. I love it!”
Jan Holt Sales and Marketing Manager, MediWatch
Eight minute DVD presents revolutionary diagnostic system to doctors around the world

New marketing materials binding together the portfolio of Mediwatch
With an ever-increasing portfolio of products to promote, the company's promotional material had become inconsistent. It all needed bringing together under a strong brand and corporate theme, to give the company a sales tool which was impactful and flexible.
After deciding on a nature-related theme, we selected and manipulated images to represent each product category and adjusted the colouring of the images so that each had its own colour code. This created a strong visual platform for future product documents.
The result was a complete new visual identity, tying together old and new products to present a much more professional face, building client confidence in the company and its products.
Segasby Studios-Mediwatch
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